mtion app general tutorials

mtion basic overall walkthrough tutorial

This is a begiiner's video guide on how to use mtion and setting things up for you and your community.

mtion interaction node graph guide

This is a quick video guide on how to use the interaction node graph and setting interactions up with livestreaming platforms such as Twitch.

mtion virtual camera tutorial

In this video, we will take a closer look at the camera features inside mtion studio. You will learn how to place a camera, adjust the camera settings, and create stunning transitions between cameras you set up in your 3D space.

Build your clubhouse from scratch in mtion

Want to build your own custom 3D environment to host your livestreams in? Don't know how to use Unity or Blender? In this video, we will be showing you how to build an extravagant 3D space using mtion studio's empty template. You don't need any professional knowledge to do this. Build this just like the Sims!

Green screen/chroma key creatively with mtion studio

This video shows some amazing new creative ways to use green screen / chroma key technology with mtion studio. You'll see that green screen isn't just about adding a 2D background - it's a powerful tool that can help you create mind-blowing visual effects, interact with your audience, and take your streams to new heights of entertainment.

10 Tips on mtion

When using mtion studio the only limit is your imagination. And with so many possibilities, the hardest choice you have to make is deciding where you want to start! We’ve created a guide of some tips and tricks that we think will be able to help you get started and inspire you to create some truly unique 3D virtual spaces to make your content pop.

Stream Deck with mtion

In this video, we will have a detailed walkthrough on setting up Elgato's stream deck, and setting up mtion studio plug-in in the stream deck for easier camera transitions and other commands.

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