Avatars & NPCs

You can import your avatars (both humanoids and none-humanoids) into your mtion clubhouse. You can either use motion tracking with the avatars (via VMC) or create NPCs with the models. Currently, we support both VRM and VSF model formats.

Import Avatars into your mtion clubhouse

VSF Avatar Import

To add a VSF model, you can click on the avatar button on the Hang Tool Bar, it will bring you to the avatar asset browser, and from there, you can directly import the VSF model from your PC.

VRM Avatar Import

If you want to import a VRM model, you will need the mtion Unity SDK to import it. Here's a quick video guide on how to:

Note: The VMC location for avatar has moved to a different location since the recording of this tutorial. You can find the VMC now located on the third tab down on the left side of the app labeled VMC Connections, it will have your Local Port + use the dropdown Avatars menu to select the character you just imported.

If you don't have the mtion SDK, visit the mtion SDK page to get started!

Set up fun interactions for your Avatars

Set up Ragdoll mode on your avatars

Once you imported your avatars into the clubhouse, you can turn on Ragdoll mode in it's options. Once enabled, your avatar will react to things that interact with it. You can take advantage of mtion's interaction features to set up some interesting experiences for you and your community. Here's a video to help you get started on this:

Setting up ragdoll in mtion

Set up interactive TTS to your avatars

You can set up TTS to any avatar models you uploaded inside of your mtion clubhouse. The TTS can be triggered by yourself, or by your chat. It can be pre-defined text or real-time text input by your chat. Here's a quick tutorial guide on how to set it up 👇

Setting up NPC mode on your avatars

You can turn on NPC mode on any of your avatar models. Once the NPC mode is on, you can also set a pre-defined area for your NPCs to move about. Here's a quick tutorial guide on how to set it up 👇

Setting up interactive avatar animations & emotes

You can set up custom animations and emotes for your avatars and NPCs in mtion. Here's a quick tutorial guide on how to set it up 👇

Character Persona Engine *

*This feautre is only available to invite-only pre-release version currently. Contact us to find out how you can apply to access the pre-release build.

The Character Persona Engine allows you to design background lore, personalities and characteristics for any avatars in your clubhouse, and letting your community to interact and chat with them.

Setting up an interactable character using the Character Persona Engine

Step 1: Type in your designed character's "Description" and "World Lore" in the avatar's Inspector Panel.

  • Description: basically what you want for your character's apperance, personality, etc.

  • World Lore: design your character's world lore and background etc.

Step 2: Set up interaction mechanics on the node graph

Once you finished design your charater, you can go to the node graph and hook up interaction logics to trigger your character. It's same as how you would set up triggers for interactive objects, by creating one of these trigger types on the node graph. Then you can find the Talk Action under this character's drop down menu in the actions section.

You can also drag a TTS node as well as a Text node to connect with this as well, so when someone talks to this character, the output of this character can be shown on the text display as well as via voice.

Last updated