Connect mtion with OBS
The mtion desktop app is like an extension to OBS. Once you have set everything up in mtion studio, you can feed its virtual camera view to OBS. Then, you can stream the content to Twitch or any other streaming platform of your choice using OBS.
Feeding mtion into OBS, is by just adding a new source in OBS. You want to create a new scene in OBS first (so it doesn’t mess up with your existing scenes), and then add a new source → Video Capture Device.
And that’s it! You will then see that OBS is now showing the view of the currently selected mtion studio camera. You can use hotkeys, stream deck or touch portal to change mtion cameras, and you will notice that the view will change accordingly in OBS as well!
*Note that once mtion studio is connected to OBS, we strongly recommend minimizing mtion studio when going LIVE to reduce its GPU consumption. Once minimized, mtion studio will run in the system tray, significantly lowering its computer resource usage.
Route OBS virtual camera into mtion
If you rely on all the OBS plug-ins for your webcams, or want to collab with others while having your co-streamers also inside your mtion clubhouse, here's the step by step guide on how to do that.
Step 1
Apply the plugin/filter settings for the camera capture in OBS.
Step 2
Have camera capture in it’s own SCENE in OBS
Step 3
Click the cog wheel to set where the virtual camera will pull from.
Step 4
Choose the SCENE that has the camera capture.
Step 5
Click “Start Virtual Camera” in OBS.
Step 6
Create a display object, Input Connected Camera, and you should see OBS as a camera option. Click that.
Step 7
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